Dust reduction: How to keep your bed from getting dusty at Burning Man
The dust is everywhere! But do you really want to sleep in it too? Your bed will get dusty (because you’re at Burning Man), though there is a simple trick you can do to reduce how dusty your bed will get at Burning Man. Here’s all you have to do…and a couple other tips for better sleep area set up.
Bring a sheet to cover your bed during the day
I heard this tip from someone before my first burn, and it’s one of these “takes 60 seconds” (maybe 90) tasks and it’s worth it’s weight in gold. Here’s what to do: Upon waking, make your bed immediately and cover your sleeping area and pillow with a sheet dedicated to this one purpose of covering your bed to keep the dust off. It’s really that simple.
You don’t know what the day holds. It could be a mildly windy and dusty day. It could be a regular windy and dusty day. Or it could be a massively windy and dusty day. While you’ll be covered in dust, and everything you own will be covered in dust, and everywhere you look will be covered in dust, it’s really, really nice to get into a bed that actually isn’t covered in dust.
At night, when it’s time to get into bed, carefully remove the sheet and fold it by your bed before you go to sleep. That sheet is not used for sleeping on; only for covering your bed when you’re not in it.
Here are a few other bed set up tips.
Flannel sheets make for a cozier bed set up
I use one sheet below my sleeping bag and one on top, and I like to have an extra sheet in case they get too dusty or dirty. Depending on how long I’m on playa (and I often there for two weeks), I may want to replace my sheets. Typically, I bring three or four flannel sheets.
Obviously, bring what you want. My recommendation is flannel.
Afghan blankets reduce the overall dust in your tent
Broken record that I am about bringing a thick, WOOL, afghan blanket as your carpet, this tip is relevant to dust reduction for your bed too. The wool afghans trap dust that comes inside your tent, making the entire interior of your tent less dusty, which will help your sleeping area be less dusty.
Mylar space blanket for extra protection
This tip came from someone who read my packing list. I have yet to do this thing, though I’m passing on the tip: “Put a mylar space blanket between your last bed layer and the ground. It makes a huge difference both day and night in keeping you comfortable.” Maybe this is less relevant if you’re in a cot, like I am. In any case, consider it if it resonates with you.
Bed Photo by Alexander Possingham on Unsplash